What is non formal education
What is non formal education

what is non formal education

The founder of Wikipedia is one of this biggest defenders of non-formal and informal education. This idea is key for Jimmy Wales, for example. Moreover, it’s a relatively voluntary type of education, with diverse teaching methods and its end goal isn’t a degree, but rather pure learning. How is it flexible? Non-formal education is open to any age, origin, and personal interest. In fact, this would be the most ideal model for them. UNESCO, for example, emphasizes the flexibility of non-formal education and how it allows for more personalized learning to be developed for each person.

what is non formal education what is non formal education

Non-formal education isn’t a replacement to formal education, which is key and fundamental to the growth of the person, however, it can complement it by covering needs or certain aspects that the regulated institution lack. Characteristics and importance of non-formal education It can work separately or within a larger activity, according to the participants or learning goals. Non-formal education is all organized education activities that are outside the formally established system.These are gained through daily experiences and from influences or resources in your surroundings, whether it’s from your family and friends or from the media. Informal education is the vital process whereby every individual acquires attitudes, values, skills, and knowledge.


Moreover, it includes programmes or courses dedicated to technical and professional education. It starts in primary school and ends in university.

  • Formal education has a hierarchical structure, organized in chronological order within the education system.
  • Coombs, Prosser and Ahmed established definitions of formal, informal and non-formal education: This resulted in the publication of Learning to Be (The Faure Report, UNESCO 1972), where they paved the way to the future of education. Coombs, to confront the crisis and propose solutions. UNESCO held various summits led by expert, Philip H. The term “non-formal education” and its recognition on a global scale came about in the 1960s, when consolidated educational institutions had to face an economic crisis and received questions about their lacking ability to adapt to a new society. Keep on reading! Differences between formal, informal and non-formal education But do you know what it’s all about? Do you understand its importance? Throughout this post, we’ll give you a little introduction about non-formal education and we’ll show you the benefits of activities like exchanges. We believe in non-formal education and learning through experience.

    What is non formal education